*The Korean word 반(pronounced Ban) has different definitions such as group, half, contrary, and quasi. -About incompletion or possibility- The feeling of completing oneself induces to question a few things in reality. What is ban*? Ban civilization and ban human, incomplete or opposite of things, memory or illusion, development or regression, transformation and evolution, deconstruction and reconstruction, ordinary and extraordinary, fear and familiarity, possibility and impossibility, completion and incompleteness. We use the expression ‘humanness’ in our daily lives. What does it truly mean? God, animal, and objects: human beings lie somewhere in between. Too holy isn’t human. Too beastly isn’t human. Does humanness derive from someone’s appearance? That is the burning question. We live in a technological society wherein we have become accustomed to the phenomena of tricking the brain and manipulating our emotions. Rather than opening up and observing our true nature, we instinctively defend ourselves from unfamiliar things, and fail to notice that things may not be what they appear to be. Perhaps we believe that we are superior and special to other animals. However, human beings may just be another kind of primates. What is the essence of everything that exists? Where is the border between pure essence and alteration? As artists we are immersed in popular culture that constantly stimulates the public. How can we fully express our inner and external selves to the world? Have you ever had a bond between you and something mysterious and beautiful? Have you had links with others? Have you ever desired a stronger commune? Have you ever felt beauty in something hideous? I desire for novelty in communication and finesse for my bans My brain imagines humanness in a chaotic but harmonious civilization…